Woman In Mind
The year is 1988 and Sonni Lewis is creating a whole mess of trouble in Springfield. Woman In Mind focuses on a group of complicated women interacting, reacting, and battling each other and themselves.
The main focus is the efforts of desperate Sonni to keep smug
Reva Shayne away from Sonni's husband Josh. Before putting this series together, I had no real experience with this character, but had (as everyone has) heard many people sing the praises of Michelle Forbes in the role. You can be sure that I was not disappointed. Forbes is dazzling as devious and determined Sonni.
Also featured is tormented Rose McLaren, played by Alexandra Neil, who can be recognized from any number of the soaps she's called home during her long career. I first saw her as Teresa Donahue/Poppy Lincoln when SOAPnet was rerunning episodes of RYAN'S HOPE from 1979 (when Neil was known as
Dianne Thompson), but she's currently at ONE LIFE TO LIVE as Paige. Having gone through this clipset, I have to say that I like her better as Rose than I did/do any of the other roles I've seen her in. Neil is very natural and sympathetic as Rusty Shayne's recovering addict girlfriend.
This sequence also features big, heaping helpings of Reva Shayne, Josh Lewis, Will Jeffries, Mindy Lewis (as played by Krista Tesreau), and Alexandra Spaulding (Beverlee McKinsey version). It's also worth mentioning that the Alan Spaulding here is Daniel Pilon. With apologies to any Pilon fans out there, these clips are damning proof that it's a very good thing that Pilon's stay on GL was a brief one.
Woman In Mind is a nice look at the GL of the late 80's, an era that I've been remiss in not presenting since I started the GLMP. Well, I'm making up for it today. Late 80's fans, don't say I never gave you anything! Woman In Mind is 28 parts long, so enjoy!
Loved it! Will was just the creepiest. Joe Breen played him to perfection and it's always great to see my all-time favorite, Krista Tesreau as Mindy. Thanks Ivn!
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