Velvet Divorce
A few words about the "mvid."
For the uninitiated, "mvid" (pronounced "em-vid") is a
new fangled computer term for a fan-created music video usually based on a television show. In the soap world, mvids more often than not are created to celebrate and promote a romantic couple or mock a hated character. I've enjoyed some of the mvids I've seen, but more often felt that an opportunity was being missed with this technology, especially based on some of the better ones that I've come across.

As a music lover, I was definitely very interested in the idea of combining great music with images from the show I love in a way that enhanced both and also communicating something about the way I view the show. I've made three
of them so far and my newest, Velvet Divorce, is the one I'm most pleased with. It deals with the Mel/Rick/Beth/Alan quadrangle, which is (in my opinion) the very best thing going on the show currently.

I'm still new at this and trying to get a handle on the technology, so I'd love any feedback that anyone cares to offer.
These are the other two that I've made. My first was a Beth mvid set to Caroline Lavelle's "Firefly Night." The second was a retrospective look at the first eight months of 2006 .
I really do think that the mvid form has something to offer to a broader selection of fans than they've generally been aimed at and, with the 70th anniversary coming up, I say the more celebration of GL, the better.
Coming Soon: a regular set of clips from 1988 and 1989 that take a look at the relationship of Harley and Alan-Michael.
also, watch this space for the imminent announcement of the GUIDING LIGHT Memory Project message board!
Hi, hopefully I've finally figured out how not to be an anonymous poster here.
I've been mediocrely impressed with most of the mvids I've seen on YouTube for soaps. My all time, number one favorite is your Firefly Night mvid. Much of it has to do with the haunting, captivating song sung by Lavelle. The main reason is your dramatic use of subtle, background dialog as the video and music plays on. You used this technique a bit in the retrospective mvid, but not at all in the Velvet Divorce mvid. I think your earlier use of the dialogue interwoven with the song and images is what sets you apart from others.
Your earlier use of bleeding in dialogue in the previous mvids was so incredibly on in timing with the song, I missed it in the Velvet Divorce mvid. At the same time, however, I loved how you timed the crescendo of the music with the drama of the scenes, especially at 2:45 and 3:46.
thanks, Ivn, for thrilling me yet again.
Love, SoSquare
Love you IVN!
Square, thank you so much for the compliments and for the honest (and incredibly helpful) criticism. i think the process of creating "Velvet Divorce" was more about me getting to know the effects in my Windows Movie Maker. i was very interested in seeing if i could try to amplify the sense of claustrophobia and disillusionment in this complex story through the use of the visual effects. i know at least one person felt that i went a little "effect happy" on this one and i can see where it might be too much for some tastes.
it's doubtful that all my future videos will be like this one and it's very interesting to read your comments on the use of dialogue and that aspect of the vids is definitely something i will revisit on future projects.
cheers! :)
i really enjoyed the mvid. it's so different from the other mvids on youtube. so many of them are just a bunch of scenes of a couple, thrown together without any rhyme or reason. these scenes really worked with the music. the effects were very cool, especially the one with the lines running down the screen, as if it were an old movie. i'd never heard this song before, but it's amazing (the singer's voice reminds me of portishead).
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