Total Trust

I sometimes have a hard time coming up with names for these clipsets. There have been times where I've banged my head against a wall for an hour or more trying to figure what turn of phrase captures the theme and mood of a particular series best. I want something that will ring in the viewer's ear and inspire interest in the set and will make sense upon viewing. Some efforts have been more successful than others and sometimes I end up surprised with how well a particular title works.
Such was the case with Total Trust. I mainly chose the title because I love the way Petronia Paley uses her voice in the role of Vivian and when she said "total trust" in the media awards scenes, it stuck in my brain and I thought it would be as good a title as any. As I began putting the individual clips up, I was struck by how well the title applied to the relationships between Gilly and Sid, Gilly and Nick, Gilly and David, Ross and Blake, David and Bridget, Vanessa and
Bill, and others. It also serves as an interesting counterpoint to the interactions between David and Vivian and Roger and Holly.
Taken from the beginning of 1995, Total Trust mainly follows several weeks in the life of Gilly Grant, a character never really used to her full potential and played by the underrated Amelia Marshall. It spins out to include great looks at Gilly's brother David, as well as Ross & Blake, Roger & Holly, Vanessa & "little" Bill, Bridget, Lucy, Nick, Fletcher, and one of my all time favorites Det. Patrick Cutter.
This set is also of note because it prominently features Sid Dickerson, a character I hated while he was on the show, but who I actually enjoy quite a lot in this set. I think what it was was that I was still very bitter about GL not electing to pusue the Gilly/Alan-Michael connection which I found so intriguing when I first began with GL. That is still, to me, one of the great missteps in the show's history.
This is a great time in the show's history, falling as it does before the "Onslaught of the Returnees", during which the show would be handed-- lock, stock, and barrel-- to Reva, Phillip, and Harley. This is a GL that vanished mere months later, never to be seen again.
Total Trust--
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