A Friend Indeed

But Hillary had a friend. And, oh what a friend! The character of Katie Parker was an oasis of light on the show. Played by the highly charismatic Denise Pence, Katie's sly wit and matter-of-fact way of dealing with life was a beautiful counterpoint to the mountains of anguish that
surrounded her-- most notably, sad sack Hillary. The show wisely featured Katie in relatively light-hearted storylines that capitalized on Pence's comedic talents, but positioned her in the activity hub of Cedars nurses' station so as not to isolate her from the rest of the town.
A Friend Indeed is a lovely look at Katie as she deals with the arrival of her ne'er-do-well brother Floyd (played by the hilarious Tom Nielsen) as well as her back and forth pursuit/avoidance of stiff-as-a-board Dr. Mark Hamilton. This set also features nice glimpses of Charita Bauer as Bert counsels Hillary on her many, many, many woes.
Enjoy A Friend Indeed--
Yeah! Katie Parker Rocks! (and so does GLMP!)
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